Monday, August 8, 2011

"Bad Machinery," scarf scanning, and a work-in-progress

So today I was working on this sketch of Poppy and her BFF Tessa (it will have a background and proper shadows soon). I'm pretty proud of how it turned out! I usually have trouble drawing people sitting, but not this time. Also, for Poppy's scarf/headband, I scanned in my mom's twilly scarf from Hermes and then traced over the pattern in Photoshop (my mom's hair is too short to wear the scarf on her head, though, so she ties it onto her purse). Also, Poppy's hairstyle here is inspired by the character Shauna Wickle of the excellent webcomic Bad Machinery, as Shauna wears her hair in pigtails sometmes.

Rather apropos of this, this morning I was all excited because it's Monday and hey, a new Bad Machinery comic would be up! So I read the new page (which is fantastic) and then I decided to go fart around on Facebook for a while.


Here's a little clarification: John Allison, who as you can see above just followed the Chapel page on Facebook, is the guy behind Bad Machinery, and a handful of other webcomics as well. I love his work. Just adore it. And now he liked the Chapel page. Wow!

*Also, if anyone got that very subtle reference to a certain science fiction show, good job!