Monday, January 28, 2013

Chapel hits the museum scene!

For those of you who follow my Chapel Chronicles facebook page, you should all have heard the news of my exciting museum exhibit. Basically, I was asked to contribute my artwork to an exhibit at the Los Gatos Art Museum -- and Saturday was the opening reception! It was amazing. I got to meet some of the other five artists in my exhibit, "Storytelling in Pictures: From Idea to Art" as well as the museums' docents, supporters, and visitors. A lot of kids were really excited to meet me, as they had heard that one of the artists was only a couple years older than they were (everyone else in the exhibit is an adult). It was amazing to meet so many people and celebrate the exhibit opening!

My section of the exhibit turned out looking amazing. They're displaying two of my Chapel comics printed at really huge sizes, which really enables you to see all the detail nicely! They also have a TV screen hooked up that plays one of my process videos on constant loop:

Since a big feature of the exhibit is showing not just the finished pieces but also the preliminary sketches and process pieces, they have two frames showing a step-by-step progression from original sketch, ink, to final Chapel comic (click on the pictures to enlarge):

There's also my non-Chapel comic "Jam Days," which won a gold medal in the 2011 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, and even a glass case with my Chapel thumbnails sketchbook and a handmade Chapel storybook! Again, click the pictures to enlarge:

I'm so happy I was able to be a part of this AMAZING exhibit!! Thank you so much Museums of Los Gatos for inviting me and for putting in the hard work to curate and set up such an excellent exhibit. As a reminder, I'll be back at the museum on February 3rd and 10th to teach free comics workshops for all ages. More info on that here and here!


  1. Emma,

    Sure did enjoy meeting you in Los Gatos! Loved the Jam days! See you around town!

    1. It was great to meet you too, Tim! Hope to see you around soon. Thanks for your support!
